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Exclusive New Apple Product Unveiling!

crappleisuckHere at we’re pleased to have been the company chosen to unveil the brand new innovation from Apple. Due to our deep loyalty for their products, it just makes sense. Without further ado, introducing the newest technological breakthrough merging cleaning and tableting: The Apple iSuck! The brand new vacuum cleaner with a built in iPad. Function meets practicality with the iSuck. Why it can do everything that an iPad can do and maybe even a few other things down the road. This initial version however has only one limitation, it does not function as a vacuum cleaner yet. Unlike most other Apple products, this product doesn’t totally suck yet. Fear not, that function will be introduced in the 2.0 version of the iSuck. But early adopters will be given the opportunity to purchase this initial version at a cost that will likely be only twice as much as the fully sucking version. We’ll see you all in line at the local Apple store!

Happy Saturday!

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