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With SMM and SEO – [Fresh] Content is King


You’ve heard the saying “Content is King” before right? I think we need a modern revision to that saying, just posting content is not good enough. Take a look around Facebook, Twitter and Google+ these days and you’ll see that there is a minor (read: major) issue with stale / rehashed / redundant / outdated content. Search engines are becoming better and better at sniffing out respun content. Low quality content = low search rankings. So with that in mind, your stale content is more likely to hurt you than help.

The wrong way:
Re-spinning articles that were probably re-spun by someone that re-spun it off an original posting 3 years ago.
Only re-sharing others content and never creating your own.
Reposting infographics based on outdated data.
Re-using someone else’s artwork/graphics.

The right way:
Writing new content based on your own experience.
Creating infographics based on current information.
Having an artist create unique artwork for your posts (Hint hint: Our very own Gary Cudworth).

  • Michael

    Amen. Smart social marketers know that social media is not a static, one-time event, but rather an ongoing process. Users aren’t looking for last year’s news – even last month or last week may be denounced as “been there, done that” or “so what else is new?” As Mr. Ramirez correctly notes, there is a wrong approach and a right approach to handling content management to achieve a lasting and effective SEO result.

    • transcendev

      Thanks for the comment Michael. Content regurgitation has become an epidemic on social media hasn’t it? It’s hard to weed the worthwhile from the crap. Twitter in particular has become almost pointless in my opinion.

  • Gord

    Love it. Have lots of places to post, but so little time. Busy doing, rather than talking about it.

  • Dustin’s Online Marketing Tips

    Very Informative…thanx

  • Valerie Bloomberg

    There isn’t a social network that doesn’t bore me to tears for the reasons you stated in your post…how many quotes can you post…how many times do people have to share a Mashable article…I could go on and on and on but suffice it to say it’s just pathetic!

    • transcendev

      Word! Drives me nuts too. I don’t mind the quotes if they’re at least funny. I did post one yesterday… but I wrote it myself. But I think some folks should either get some creativity…or stop posting! :^P

      • transcendev

        I should add, any content revolving around zombies, pizza, beer and/or baseball are fine by me ;)

  • Jesse

    This is an awesome post!

  • Nathan David


  • Aivovaurio

    “Here is a blog. I don’t type anything in it because you can go and read it from this link that leads to it origins.” Say whaaat? Really?

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