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8 Ways to SUCK at marketing your business on social media

Everyone that owns a business, does marketing for a business, or that has ever heard of a business knows that social media sites are one of the most viable ways to obtain new customers/clients. And if you don’t, you probably aren’t doing particularly well with your business…maybe that’s why you’re reading this. I’ve compiled a list of the most common posting mistakes on social media sites that I’ve noticed, from my humble perspective anyway.socialmarketing

The “Overposter”

If I can’t find out what my friends and family and other people that annoy the hell out of me are eating for (breakfast|lunch|dinner) because you never shut up and your posts are clogging my news feed, I’m unfollowing you! Post a few times a day, at various times, and we’re cool.

The “My Business is Totally Awesome” Poster

While I’m sure your business is great at whatever it is you do, I don’t believe it coming from your own mouth, so shut it!

The “Nobody Home” Poster

You’re using HootSuite, or other such automatic posting tools, that syndicate your posts out to all the different social media sites for you? If you can’t bother to interact with those responding to you, it makes your social presence pretty useless. Social media is supposed to be “social” after all!

The “Adding Nothing New” Poster

A big pet peeve of mine is when a business posts nothing but stuff they found elsewhere. You’re posting the same thing that George Takei just posted?… how about I just follow him instead? Bring something new to the table, or I’m leaving.

The “MIA” Poster

I suppose this isn’t really a poster… because they don’t post. I followed your business… and you’ve got nothing to say. I want my money back.

The “Overcompensator” Poster

This is often the follow up to the “MIA poster”. We haven’t seen you in a month, you finally remember you have a Facebook business page, and you post a months worth of content in 5 mins. Your posting habits should be like mayonnaise, spread it out baby!

The “Always Off Topic” Poster

I thought I followed the local pizza shop, but it seems I followed TMZ. I don’t care about world news events from you, give me some freaking pizza deals for the love of GOD!

The “I’ve got a Rigid Stick Shoved up my &!$%” Poster

You’re running a business, so it’s good to be professional. But try some levity on for size, I’m on a social site for some engaging content not for a sleeping aid.


Are you guilty of being one of these posters? Don’t feel bad, we all are at some point. Take a step back, look at your posts, and evaluate your approach. For a lot of businesses social media becomes a fly by the seat of the pants sort of thing. To make the most out of your social presence, it’s good to have a plan of attack so you can avoid becoming one of these types of posters for any prolonged period. 

  • TwincitiesPinterest

    RT @TranscenDev: 8 Ways to SUCK at marketing your business on social media –


    8 Ways to SUCK at marketing your business on social media

  • Jan Koch

    RT @TranscenDev 8 Ways to SUCK at marketing your business on social media

  • Steven Lacks

    RT @mygob: RT @TranscenDev 8 Ways to SUCK at marketing your business on social media

  • Brad Knutson

    I personally am not a fan of the “Shameless Self Promoter” who constantly tweets links to their own site or content. Social media is about being social and sharing other content with like minded people!

    • transcendev

      I would concur…I think that fits in with the “my business is totally awesome” poster…everything always revolves around them. Their content, their accolades, yadda yadda…super suckage!

      • Brad Knutson

        It’s not as if we all don’t self-promote from time to time, but it bugs me seeing Twitter feeds that are links to blog post after blog post after blog post. Like you said, the “my business is totally awesome” attitude really does turn people off.

  • Judith Kavanaugh

    The first 7 are turning me into #8.

    • Lynn O’Connell

      That’s the challenge — walking that line! And everyone draws it differently.

    • transcendev


  • Kevin Morrice

    Sad but true! Thanks for putting it humorously! :)

  • Milieunet

    Great, thanks for sharing

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