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Need some feedback on this Twitter tool in development

I’ve developed a pretty simple Twitter scheduling tool that can allow you to easily set up an automated schedule and cycle for your tweets. Would love to get some feedback from some Twitter users on what sort of functions and features might be worth adding prior to making it available.


The feature list at the moment is as follows:

  • Log in using your existing Twitter credentials (no additional registration necessary)
  • Create a new tweet to be tweeted at any given future date/time
  • Tweets can be one time posts or added to the daily tweet schedule
  • Set any new/old tweet to be tweeted daily
  • New tweets can be instantly tweeted in addition to being scheduled
  • Easily remove a tweet from being cycled
  • Edit a saved tweet
  • Save & Schedule a tweet from a list of your recent tweets
  • Set the time interval for your tweets to be automatically posted

Here’s how it’s looking thus far:



This Twitter scheduling tool will be available for use soon. If you’ve got any good ideas, or can think of anything that you would find useful in a Twitter tool, please comment below and I might just add it in before launching :)

  • RelicNgine

    Really cool tool, I’m actually going to try this out! :)

  • Sean Murray

    looking forward to this!

  • Steven Krohn

    I really like it, can’t wait to see the finished product.

  • Lilia

    I will surely try it once available. Love the idea of scheduled tweets!

  • Ruud Reijmerink

    i like it. Will try it when available.

  • Joseph Solares

    What I would like is to be able to make say 20 variations of one tweet. Then have the program grab one of the 20 tweets each day and post that tweet. So I could give a variation of a theme and have it grab one of those tweets and tweet one random one each day. I could pick say 3 or 4 times and each day the system would choose to tweet the tweet at that time.

    • transcendev

      The variations thing is what I’ve been thinking of. No one wants to see the same thing over and over, and Twitter has limits on reposting the same stuff. So variations keeps things interesting. Wouldn’t be hard to do exactly what you’re saying by allowing you to group those similar tweets into “themes” that could then be schedule for random tweeting at set times. Good feedback, thanks!

  • Carla Chadwick

    All of the features look terrific! I couldn’t tell if this was incorporated, but the ability to upload a list of tweets and export a list of tweets that had been added individually would be really helpful.

  • Carla Chadwick

    All of the features look terrific! I couldn’t tell if this was incorporated, but the ability to upload a list of tweets and export a list of tweets that had been added individually would be really helpful.

  • Carla Chadwick

    All of the features look terrific! I couldn’t tell if this was incorporated, but the ability to upload a list of tweets and export a list of tweets that had been added individually would be really helpful.


    Awesome thought. Definitely will implement that!


    Awesome thought. Definitely will implement that!


    Awesome thought. Definitely will implement that!

  • Peg Gillard

    Does it have a collection feature? If I wanted to review all of the tweets I had sent out in a given time period, would there be somewhere that they would all collect so that I could use them for a historical perspective of my own tweeting profile. Someone might want to create a collection of topical tweets to use for a blog post or a book or a story, etc. Having a collection of them all would be a unique feature that others might find useful. I will certainly try it out!

    • transcendev

      Thanks for your input. Collecting tweets is something I’ve been tossing around. It can actually somewhat do that already since it allows you to save tweets from your own timeline and tweet them again on a schedule. It wouldn’t be difficult to allow you to simply save them in a searchable archive for later usage, if that’s along the lines of what you were thinking. Storing all tweets however could be a recipe for disaster (in terms of storage space)…though I’ve kicked it around.
      Since posting this blog I have added a function that collects hashtags and gives you a snapshot of hashtag usage on your account.

  • Valentina Lepore

    Sounds interesting. I’m always in search of new and -most of all- complete tools for Twitter. It seems a very improved version of Buffer with a lot of extra features. As for hashtags, it can be useful a story of their evolution over time.
    I’ll be glad if I can try your tool and write a review on my blog when available :)

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